Seven Layer Smoreo Bars
For some reason I've been torturing myself lately with some delicious desserts. Maybe I'm just trying to test my willpower and build it up with temptation... Sadly, it hasn't been working too well, especially not with these bars.
I found the recipe here, which is definitely going to be a new frequently visited blog. Isla LOVES cooking with Jordan and I, even though she rarely samples any of her dishes. This time, she was sampling the ingredients separately as we were assembling the bars. Her favorite? The white chocolate chips - YUMMMM...
The only thing I did different to this recipe was take the chocolate down a little bit (seriously, I love chocolate, but it's ALOT), and I added graham crackers chopped up, and peanut butter morsels.
Jordan has been eating this with ice cream - he claims it makes them less rich... Interesting.
Isla wants to be just like her Mama :) - Here she is taking pictures of the bars cooking in the oven.