Eight and a Half Days...
I'm not going to lie... I'm sort of freaking out. The kids have exactly eight and a half more days of school. Eight and a half more days of packing lunches and helping with homework, eight and a half more days to schedule all the appointments I've been putting off, finish any last minute projects and plan for a Summer that we hope to make even better than last.
Don't get me wrong - I am excited for Summer. Actually more excited than I've been in a while. There have been past Summer's that I've been a bit apprehensive; how was I going to entertain these kids all day long? I know that Isla can and should entertain herself sometimes, but that's not always a possibility with Holden. How was I going to keep my house clean? How was I going to be in two places at once? How was I going to maintain some semblance of a routine without going crazy?
This year however, feels totally different - Holden's become so much more independent and his ability to communicate through different avenues (more on that later), has brought his frustration levels down considerably. Isla has a lot of new and exciting camps, and we have some great family AND couples trips planned. It's just that its so soon.
As a self titled "planner" I like to have things done, checked off my list - and unfortunately that list is still pretty long.
So in the interest of saving precious time while still recording our lives over the past couple of months, I give you a: "What We've Been up to According to Instagram" post.