TWE - Holiday Store
For the past two years I've been heading up the Holiday Store at the kids school. Its a way for the kids to come in with some money and buy gifts for family members and friends. The goal is to teach them how to use their money responsibly as well as give them a chance to feel good about gift giving.
I start assembling my committee in October, and then early November we start shopping with the aim to have everything bought before Thanksgiving. The school store is open Wednesday - Friday, so we spend all day Monday and Tuesday setting up and getting ready.
We're lucky to have a great team of volunteers at TWE. This is a big job that takes a lot of help.
We try to get things that both the kids and parents would be happy to get. By far the best seller this year was the Beanie Boos!
ts my favorite way to volunteer at the school because its something that the kids get so excited for. Isla especially, she thinks its a
big deal that her mom is "in charge" of it all, and she wastes no time telling her friends every chance she gets.
The kids are dismissed from their classroom and brought to the store by our TWE elves. They love to see the Moms dressed up!
This year we ended right under budget - like $200, and made about $5,000 over our estimated income. I'm happy to be a part of such a fun and helpful program for these kids.