Like Daddy Like Daughter...

It's been clear to us at an early age that Isla is a very musical kid.  I don't know if this is normal, and all kids are like this, or if she has a particular affinity towards it.  Ever since she was a baby she has been mesmerized by music.  

We used to have a CD full of kids songs that Isla refused to get into the car unless it was playing, her preschool teacher tells me that while the other kids are napping, Isla is awake singing everyone songs, and ever since she was a tiny baby, she has always LOVED listening to her Daddy play the guitar.

For Christmas last year Santa brought Isla her own guitar.  Now whenever Daddy gets his guitar out to play, Isla goes to get hers and plays and dances next to him.

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Holden makes for a very attentive audience...

It's a special time for Daddy and Isla to do something that they both enjoy.  

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Doesn't it look like she is actually playing a chord here?  As I am NOT a musical person, who knows, maybe she is!

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When they were finished Isla put her guitar up against Daddies where it will stay until the next time they play together.

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