Astros Games

Well, they are not the same as Braves games (I mean, what am I supposed to do with my arm when the team scores a run?!?), but we have been having a good time at the Astros games. Isla can usually make it till about the 7th inning, and then all the noises and lack of sleep start to catch up with her... Thanks to the Wormser family for taking us!!!

Isla at the Astros Game 4 (5.8.2010)
Isla at the Astros Game (5.8.2010)
Isla at the Astros Game 2 (5.8.2010)
Isla at the Astros Game 3 (5.8.2010)
Fife's at the Astros Game (5.8.2010)
Fife's at the Astros Game 2 (5.8.2010)
Fife's at the Astros Game 3 (5.8.2010)
Isla Sleeping at the Astros Game (5.8.2010)