Isla's Tenth Birthday
For Islas 10th Birthday she decided to take a few of her friends to do one of her favorite things: get their nails done.
I don’t have a ton of photos from this birthday as Isla wanted us to stay as far away as possible and Jordan and I obliged after it was clear we weren’t going to get anything good-LOL!!!
But Isla had a great time and that’s really all that matters.
It’s crazy to think that we’re only three short years from a teenager. Sometimes the memory of that tiny little baby, all giant curious eyes and quiet calm seems so recent… and then other days it feels like we already have a teenager full of sass and independence.
Isla - I’ve absolutely loved watching you grow these past ten years. You surprise me daily and constantly keep me on my toes. I just hope the next 8 years go a little bit slower. I love you sweet girl!!!