Florida... X 2

The kids are back at school, and I finally have enough time and sanity to blog about our extremely busy Summer.  Back in July we headed to Florida not once, but twice.

The first trip was to see my family in Naples.  I didn't have a ton of photos from this trip, or the following one down to the panhandle.  I opted instead to focus on go pro video which you'll see in our annual Summer video (post to come later).  The trip was rough on Holden who had issues adjusting to our ever shifting schedules, but we rolled with the punches and absolutely loved spending time with my parents.  

We spent the weekend at the beach, a waterpark type pool, and the Naples Children's Museum.  

Traveling can be difficult with any type of child, but it can become even more trying with a child who falls on the spectrum.  Holden had trouble regulating his sleep on this trip, and it definitely affected us all.  I think that we worked through it well though.  We aren't willing to give up traveling with our kids, but choose instead to help find ways to ease Holden into it.  We've been forgoing larger vacations to familiar trips back and forth to the lake to keep him as comfortable as possible.  Its rough right now, but I'm confident that we'll get to a good place!

All that really mattered is that the kids had fun on this trip.  Isla had an absolute ball,  lamenting over and over how much she missed Mimi and Papa when we got home.  And Holden was happy extremely happy... when he wasn't exhausted.  ;)

A couple weeks later we packed the car up and headed back down to Florida - this time to the panhandle and 30A.  We planned this trip to coincide with a couple of our friends from here in Katy.

It was a fun week, with some quality family time as well as pockets of having out with our friends.  It was a good balance and a perfect way to vacation.