Our New Normal

Our New Normal

Seems like these days if we are home for more then two hours at a time, I can almost tell you exactly what both my kids will be doing.

Holden has found his calling, and would be happily coloring a masterpiece.

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I'm kind of amazed at how well he can hold a small pen, or a crayon.  Even at this age, he does this better than his sister….  The below picture does not illustrate this new skill at all, but I promise he usually holds it like a pro.

It's a wonderful time, until he inevitably dumps the whole carousel of crayons onto the floor.  I have tried limiting the number of crayons we give him, however, this seems to anger him greatly, and really just takes all the fun out of his coloring time.

When Isla is not following me around and peppering me with a million questions, or just talking so that she can constantly hear her voice, she will be playing with some sort of mobile device that she has found, cracked the security password on, and has navigated to you tube, where she will be watching reviews on her favorite toys.  Popular channels include, but are not limited to: play doh, strawberry shortcake, hello kitty and lalaloopsy.

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For the Mom of children who take VERY few naps, this quiet time is SOOOOOO welcome.