Garage Sales, 10k's, Birthday Parties and Nature Hikes
You know, just your typical weekend...
Jordan and I both woke up early on Saturday. Jordan needed to get downtown early to run the 10k Rodeo Race with some co-workers, and I started setting up for our community garage sale. As soon as I opened our garage at 7am to start pulling our stuff out, the vultures descended. It was actually a blessing as most of our stuff was gone by 8am!
Garage Sale stickers
Our first birthday party of the weekend
The second birthday party of the weekend was at a local skating rink. I think Jordan and I were more excited than Isla or Holden. She bravely put on the rental skates and even made a few laps around the rink with the assistance of the skating walkers. Ultimately, like most of the other kids her age, she had more fun on the many ride-along toys.
Our neighborhood has no shortage of trails and ponds. In some off-time during the weekend we ventured off to this one. Isla really wanted to see some froggies, but unfortunately, none came out to play.