A post from Daddy Fife

Well as our loyal K&J+1 followers know today was suppose to be the day we found out if we were having a stand up or sit down peeing baby, we found out it was a lazy baby (like its mother) or sleeps through the end of days (like its father). Either way Baby Fife was not as excited about today as Kelly and I were, it slept through the entire 45min ultrasound session while the technician ran through every trick in the book to get baby Fife to roll over. Kelly drank some OJ, walked around, laid on her side, didn't go to the bathroom, went to the bathroom, did side bends, even danced around the room (marking the first time the baby was embarrassed by its mother). I was sad we didn't find out what we were having but I was even sadder knowing how excited Kelly was to find out and share with her mom and dad. So I did what any husband would do and gave her a big hug and told her we get to try again on Tuesday. Next time around I am not afraid to yell at the baby , discipline starts early as a Fife.

(side note: Kelly is not really lazy, I was just joking, thanks for reading -Jordan)